Bartmann Total Solutions in Steel Buildings

Burkina Faso [BF]


0 - Not known
1 - Port function
2 - Rail function
3 - Road function
4 - Airport
5 - Postal exchange office
6 - Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)
7 - Fixed Transport Functions (e.g. Oil platform)
B - Border crossing function

AA - Approved by competent national government agency
AC - Approved by Customs Authority
AF - Approved by national facilitation body
AI - Code adopted by international organization
AS - Approved by national standards/statistic body
RL - Recognized location
RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country
RQ - Request under consideration
RR - Request rejected
QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated
XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

LD LOCODE Name SubDiv 0
Status Date IATA Coordinates
BF ABD Aribinda 4 AI 9912 XAR
BF ARL Arly 4 AI 9912
BF BER Beregadougou 2 3 RL 0401 1046N 00445W
BF BNR Banfora 4 AI 9912
BF BOG Bogande 4 AI 0212 XBG 1259N 00008W
BF BOU Boulsa 4 AI 9912 XBO
BF BOY Bobo-Dioulasso 4 AI 0212 1112N 00418W
BF DBG Diebougou 4 AI 0212 XDE 1058N 00315W
BF DGU Dedougou 4 AI 0212 1228N 00328W
BF DIP Diapaga 4 AI 9912
BF DJI Djibo 4 AI 9912 XDJ
BF DOR Dori 4 AI 9912
BF FNG Fada-Ngourma 4 AI 0212 1204N 00021E
BF GAO Gaoua 4 AI 9912 XGA
BF GOG Gorom-Gorom 4 AI 9912 XGG
BF KAN Kantchari 4 AI 9912 XKA
BF KAY Kaya 4 AI 9912 XKY
BF KOR Kourouma 3 RL 0212 1137N 00448W
BF KOS Kossodo 3 RL 0706 1225N 00128W
BF KOU Koudougou 2 3 RL 0005 1214N 00222W
BF LEO Leo 4 AI 0212 XLU 1106N 00206W
BF NOU Nouna 4 AI 9912 XNU
BF OUA Ouagadougou 4 5 AI 9601
BF OUG Ouahigouya 4 AI 9912
BF PAM Pama 4 AI 9912 XPA
BF POU Poura 3 RL 0401 1039N 00305W
BF PUP Po 4 AI 9601
BF SAP Sapone 3 RL 0401 1206N 00133W
BF SEB Sebba 4 AI 9912 XSE
BF TEG Tenkodogo 4 AI 9912
BF TMQ Tambao 4 AI 9912
BF TUQ Tougan 4 AI 9912
BF ZAB Zabre 4 AI 0212 XZA 1110N 00038W
BF ZIG Ziga 3 RL 0307 1237N 00049W

l Zurück l

BTSSB Bartmann Total Solutions in Steel Buildings
Casa Mondiale - CH-6745 Giornico / TI - Switzerland
Tel.: 0041-(0)91 864 2230 - FAX: 0041-(0)91 864 2235


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